So vital to the production of blood and for the proper functioning of your nervous system and even your brain, vitamin B12 (or cobalamin), must be obtained from certain food sources and/or supplements.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency is a very serious matter, and can cause irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. Early symptoms include poor memory, tiredness, and depression. Mania and even psychosis can occur if left untreated.
In rare cases, vitamin B12 absorption is hindered by a condition called pernicious anemia. For those suffering from this disease, vitamin B12 supplementation is a life saver.
If you eat meat, fish, and other animal products like eggs, yogurt, and cheese, vitamin B12 deficiency is usually not a problem. You’ can easily get all that you need from your diet.
The Top Vitamin B12 Food Sources
If you love to eat seafood, you will never be in danger of getting too little vitamin B12 in your diet. Tuna, salmon and other fish are excellent sources along with scallops and shrimp.
Red meats like lamb, beef and liver are also excellent sources, with pork, turkey, chicken, eggs and cheese making respectable contributions as well.
What About Vegetarians & Vegans?
Because food sources of B12 are mainly meats, fish, seafood and some dairy, it is very difficult for strict vegetarian and vegan diets to include enough vitamin B12.
The answer? For optimal health, take quality vitamin B12 supplements … which are readily found in your local health food store or online.