When the clock hits a certain time, most people will sit down to eat … even if they’re not hungry. That’s because people have been subconsciously trained by the clock that breakfast, lunch or dinner must fall within certain time parameters. The problem with this is that we’re not really listening to our bodies.
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As a result, most people carry more body weight than is healthy for them to have. It’s time to stop and reset your relationship with food. You can do that thanks to the solid advice found in Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works.
This way of eating shows people how and why it’s necessary to bring your body into the relationship you have with food. It teaches you to engage fully with your mind while you eat.
When you’re practicing intuitive eating, you’re learning how to hear the signals that your body is communicating to you. By paying attention, you learn the difference between the types of issues that push you to eat.
One of these is true physical hunger. When your body is hungry, it will let you know – and most people then grab something to eat. But the second of these is emotional hunger.
When you’re struggling with certain feelings, you can feel a desire to eat. But that’s not a true signal from your body.
It’s triggered in your mind because when you eat to feed an emotion, you get a release of the feel good hormone, which then makes you feel better.
This creates a reward pathway in the brain and you can get stuck in the cycle of feeding the emotion – the anger, the sadness, the excitement or whatever emotion is going on with you.
But once you tune in to your body, you can easily tell the difference between a true body hunger and an emotional craving. This book can teach you how to reevaluate your relationship with food.
You’ll discover how you can eat when you’re hungry and learn how to say no when you’re not. Instead of beating yourself up for eating when you don’t really want the food, you’ll learn how to eat in total freedom.
This is a healthy, emotionally freeing way of eating. There isn’t a focus on right or wrong foods. There’s simply listening to your body.
You’ll learn how to stop dieting forever and how your personality can be the root cause of some of your food struggles. By identifying this, you can overcome the struggle.
You’ll also learn how to stop feeding emotions and learn how to correctly interpret your body’s responses. The book teaches the ideas involved with intuitive eating and how you can pass that on to loved ones …
Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works
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