Making the transition to a gluten-free diet is usually the hardest part of realizing you have a gluten intolerance. Especially if you’ve grown to love so many wheat (and other grain) based products.
Many of the foods you eat on a daily basis will no longer be allowed and you need to become a stickler for reading ingredients of everything you eat.
But in the meantime, here three ways you can begin to transition to a gluten-free diet, without freaking out:
#1: Start With Your Favorite Gluten-Free Foods
When you are making the transition to a gluten-free diet, you should first consider what foods you already eat that are still be allowed.
You can rely foods that you enjoy eating on a regular basis without feeling like you are missing out on anything.
Example: Most vegetables and fruits you eat already can still be enjoyed, such as stir-fry veggies, oranges as a snack, and bananas with your breakfast.
And most meat can also be eaten, though you need to be careful with processed meat, such as packaged deli meat.
#2: Buy “Substitute” Gluten-Free Products
While you eventually want to start making more food items from scratch, the transitional period can be quite a challenge.
During this time, it is helpful to find some gluten-free substitutes of the foods you can no longer have.
Example: You can usually find your favorite type of bread, biscuits, cookies, crackers, and cereal in gluten-free versions.
It used to be that only health food stores sold gluten-free products, but it’s now easier to find these foods in the supermarket.
#3: Find Others Who Also Want Make the Transition
It can be hard when you are doing this all alone. Try to find friends or family members that also want to reduce their gluten intake.
This makes it easier when going through recipe books together, swapping ideas for meals, and going out to restaurants.
If you have kids, try to transition them to a gluten-free diet as well so they can experience the health benefits. And you get to eliminatemany temptations from your pantry.
No matter what, remember that you are doing this because you want to feel better, cure your headaches, and improve your digestion. Changing your diet is worth it!